Lottrips Official 7 months ago

Umrah for the First Timers: All You Need to Know Before Going on the Pilgrimage

Umrah is the most sacred pilgrimage for Muslims. It is also called a lesser pilgrimage because it is non-mandatory in Islam, unlike Hajj. However, every year millions of Muslims perform Umrah.

Umrah for the first timers is not easy as there is a lot to know and take care of. It is the dream of every Muslim to go to Makkah and Madinah so that they can perform Umrah. Also, they can visit all the sacred places at least once in their life.

The hard part is not that you can afford to go to Umrah. The difficult part is that it is difficult to manage because you have to leave one country and go to the other. The language is different and everything is Makkah and Madinah is new for you.

But because of all these management problems, you can not extend your Umrah plan. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you some easy tips that will help you to manage your pilgrimage. So without any further due, shall we start the discussion?

Umrah for the First Timers

Umrah For The First Timers: What Are The Tips? 

Here are some tips to do Umrah for the first timers. So have a look if you are going for the pilgrimage.

1. Make A Right Plan

When you plan to perform the Umrah, gather all the information about it. Many traveling agencies provide this opportunity to people to perform Hajj and Umrah. Select the right traveling agency that at fewer costs allows you to travel to Makkah and Madinah.

Also, get information about the hotel where you will stay. Because if you stay in the hotel that is away from the Kabbah then you have to pay a lot of prices to pay a visit. So make sure your hotel is near Kaaba. 

Moreover, look for the other facilities in the package like flight details, accommodations, and other important things. The important thing that you check in the first place is that your agent is an authorized person.

Furthermore, do proper research for the Umrah rituals and regulations. Because the more your plan the better your pilgrimage will be. Also, prepare yourself emotionally and physically.


2. Umrah For The First Timers: Get Familiar With The Umrah And Ihram Rules

Take out some time from the busy schedule and know about all the rituals that you have to perform during Umrah. First, learn about dressing during Ihram and what are things that you should avoid while wearing Ihram. Also research about how to do Tawaf. Taqsir, and Sa'i. Also, what you should chant while performing these rituals.

3. Prepare Yourself Physically 

Physical health is most important while performing Umrah. First, the temperature of Makkah and Madinah always remains hot. So there is a chance of humidity there. To avoid the reactions make sure to drink a lot of water.

Because the more water you will drink the more you will stay away from dehydration. Also, eat well because you have to walk more. If you do not eat the proper food then there is a chance that you get faint and fall. So take care of your health first. 

4. Take Necessary Item With You

During Umrah, it is important to take a small bag with you. So that you can put your ID card, Credit Card, some cash, and other necessary items in it. Also, take medicine with you. 

Because due to change of place you can easily get the different disease. You can not avoid that but you can take precautions. So take common painkillers with you. Moreover, take only the necessary clothes that suit the weather.

As in a hotel, you do not have many places to put all your clothes. So pack only necessary items. You can also carry some food with you if you can not stay hungry for a long time.


Wrapping It All Up!!!

There is a lot more that you need to know before going to Umrah. But these are the essential tips for Umrah for the First Timers who do not know.

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